Thursday, July 29, 2010


People who nag don't think that they nag. They truly believe that the subject(s) of their nagging will have a wonderful life if only they follow the precise directions of the nagger. They think that they are helping. They are wrong. However, you will never convince them of this so the subject of the nagging is better off by putting on wireless headphones and watching "Maverick."

People who say "I'll be there for you" should put in a codicil. They should say "I will be there for you if you want to go out to dinner or if you want to go out drinking." If you ask them to join you for a walk in the park or to help you clean out a room, you're on your own.

People who tell you how to deal with your family are only relevant if they are kind. Otherwise, they should shut up and listen. Nobody has a Norman Rockwell family and nobody gets to besmirch. That's right, I said besmirch!! Here's the way you love your friends. Listen and love and if they start with the besmirching then you can RAH RAH all you want but don't you ever initiate the besmirching because it's their FAMILY. GOT IT??? GOOD.

WHOO. Got a little crazy there. I'm okay now. I'll continue. By the way, I have no idea what precipitated this missive, I just suddenly wanted to say something. I guess that's why I have a blog.

People who say something mean to you and cover it up by saying "I'm just being honest" are just mean. Get rid of them.

People who say they love animals and then laugh at animal cruelty scenes in movies, comedy or otherwise,shouldn't have a pet.

People who say they are Christians, but ignore the least of us have forgotten what we were told. "Whatsoever you do to the least of them, you do unto me."

Greed is not good. Nor is nagging. Nor is judgmentalism. Nor is cruelty. Nor is selfishness.

I think we put a lot of stock in what other people think and we cloud our instincts rather than listening to our hearts.

The way we live, the way we vote, the way we decide what tomorrow brings should all be guided by that inner compass we all own but too rarely access. I think that if we look into our hearts, every one of us would take care of someone if presented with the necessity of now. What if we just realize that the necessity IS now and we decide to take care of one another? What if?


My youngest brother, Andy, the hero of Kimberly,sent me a cartoon today. It was entitled "The Evolution of Morons" and it showed a transition from the smallest of sea life to a human. I wish that I could say something other than RIGHT ON.

We are the only species that soils its own nest, and then has the audacity to make excuses and pretend that it didn't actually do it...or worse...that it doesn't matter.

When I was in Wisconsin visiting my family, BP got that cap onto the rig that had been spilling millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. I passed a USA TODAY headline that read "IS IT OVER?" My reaction was "ARE YOU NUTS?"

The ramifications of this latest oil disaster will impact the ecological as well as the economical viability of the gulf coast for years to come and, yet, people are so ready for it to be "OVER" just so that they can get back to their Walmart lives and not worry about it.

TIME is about to come out with a cover page minimizing this disaster...they have some scientists paid off by BP who are so very expertly telling the world that it won't be that bad. They are, of course, relying upon the surface of the waters, and negating the warnings of independent ecologists who have observed the underwater oil plumes and the effects of the massive dispersants that have been released into the waters. But, come's on the cover of TIME so it must be true. Gee, wonder why I quit subscribing several years ago.

How long does everyone think we can go on paying off everyone in order to get away with unabated greed? What will it take, people? I understand that we can't transfer overnight to a perfect, green society but can we at least acknowledge that we have to do something???

And what of greed? I'm so sick of the philosophy of deregulation and libertarianism and no regulation, no government. Libertarians are nothing more than right wingers who want to smoke pot and be able to do whatever they want without repercussions. Talk about the everything for nothing crowd!! They want us to leave everyone who didn't have the fortune to be born into some semblance of wealth or means in the gutter.

The real irony is all the people who have bought into this crap. I look at the demonstrators with amazement. These people are jumping up and down to further their own demise and they don't even know it! They are advocating and voting against their own interests and they've been boondoggled by FOX, racism and too much time on their hands!

While I'm on my rant, why is it that the far right believe in SOCIAL Darwinism but not Darwin and evolution? Why is survival of the fittest okay if we make all non-wealthy, non-churchy, non conservative people serfs but the same theory doesn't apply to the rest of nature?

I am taking one of my trips down the "Tangential River." It's my own little river of digression, and you will often find me steamboating along to that destination until I realize that I've diverted. Who the Hell cares, it's my freaking blog! Back to the point.

We were given this incredible planet and mandated by God to be Stewards. By God. And, By God, we are not living up to the mandate.

"Whose garden was this? It must have been lovely. There must have been flowers. I've seen pictures of flowers and I'd love to have smelled one." Is this the legacy and the future you want for your children? Is money and profit and greed truly the only thing we have to hand down to our kids?

Think about what you can do to help us save ourselves. Otherwise, I agree with the cartoon. Fish don't soil their own habitat. Only we do. Wise up...for God's sake.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I realize that all of you are contributing to elect your own candidates but I just want you to know that we've got a guy here in Colorado running for Senate who is taking NO corporate money. His opponent has millions. Andrew Romanoff is working his heart out for the people of Colorado and, for that matter, everyone in this country who would benefit from his talents and abilities, on $5, $10, and $20 contributions. If ANY of you have a spare buck, I'm asking you to go to and help him out. No big oil, no insurance companies or big banks...this campaign is for the people. We so desperately need a senator who won't sell us out! So, there's my public service announcement and do really do mean public service. Not only will the people of Colorado have a champion, but so will everyone in this great United States. Help out if you can. Andrew is Awesome.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Hey, everyone. I just got a very interesting email from one of my "bestest" pals whose son is ALMOST as brilliant as mine. (I'm smiling as I write this.) It's some very interesting information posted by a fellow blogger who happens to be an expert in Middle Eastern history and religion. It addresses a lot of misinformation we westerners carry regarding Islam.

I just thought I'd pass this on as I truly believe the only way we're ever going to fix this world is to begin to build the bridges of understanding as opposed to blowing one another up. Sooo... here's the link to the blog. I think you will find it to be very interesting reading.

Luke, thanks for the info and tell your Dad he is only Alan Shore in his dreams.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


As I told you earlier, I just came back from a trip "home" to see my parents and family. They're in their 8th decade on this earth and I am so blessed to have them. I also know that we waste a lot of time, especially here in America. Now, don't get started, those of you who might think that because I'm a liberal I don't love my country. I've sung "God Bless America" at more events than you can count and I always get through it until I get to the "from the mountains to the prairie" and then I'm toast. I write my representatives and my senators and I read and I care about everything that happens within and about America, my home sweet home.

I also have a lot of European friends. Lots of accents and lots of aspects. To a person, they tell me that we have everything upside down. I tend to agree. It's systemic. From siestas to extended vacations to not having to worry 24/7 about what happens to you if you're sick there are foreign attitudes and ideas that could tutor us well.

Think about people who survive a hurricane, a fire, a flood. They cry about the "stuff" they lost but rejoice in the fact that their family, including their beloved dog(s) or cat(s) or bird(s) are safe. These are often people who didn't have a stitch of insurance and don't know where or when they will ever land again.

I dread the inevitable moment when I lose my elderly parents but the reality of life is that I could walk across my street tomorrow, not looking both ways, and get run over by the Ice Cream truck. End of story. DONE DEAL. Infamous old broad laid out by a Dairy Truck. (Actually, a bit of a fitting end to the life of a Wisconsin broad.) But I digress.

I could spout every greeting card piece of syrup but they are in business because behind all the gacky sweetness there is a ring of truth:it all comes down to the same thing. LOVE.

If you knew that your loved one could spend one more day with you...not a day hooked up to machines or sick or in pain but a keeping day - a day of love and laughter and fun and joy - what would you trade for that? Most of us would say...everything. Keep this in mind. We are not to store our treasures on earth - I believe that when Jesus said that our treasures are in Heaven He meant that everything that really matters is intangible.

Would you want Heaven without your loved ones? Without the people who know what wound you up as well as what makes you tick? The parent who reminds you again and again of why you are who you are? The spouse or partner who can tell just by your eyes that today is a day to sit quietly beside you and wait until you speak? The sister who says "I always have time for you, don't ever forget that?" The brother who never, ever forgets your birthday and honors it with a ridiculously disgusting card that could come only from him?

The cat who comes to you and places his forehead on yours to say "I love you?" The dog who walked or ran thousands of miles with you, and fetched anything you could throw?

The friend who makes you laugh until you cry and loves you beyond ideology, politics, distance...loves you because you are who you are. These are the treasures that reside here for only a little while. "Little children, I am with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, now I also say to you, 'Where I am going, you cannot come."

I went to a website that lists every bible version of this quote. In the end, I believe that it is the lesson of our lives. We cannot follow our loved ones beyond this earth until our time arrives. It's up to us as to what we learn from them and from our time on earth. What we can do is realize and acknowledge our gift of now. This is the only way that we can fully and completely experience the fleeting gift of life that exists in the here and the now.

I'm hoping that this blog begins to have meaning to a lot of people but I know that right now, the readers are all kind and loving friends and family. You all know who you are. Joyously, you also know who I am. I love you. Being back in Colorado, I will go from quoting Jesus to quoting John Denver. "Friends, I will remember you, think of you, pray for you and when another day is through, I'll still be friends with you."

Should I have the wandering traveler that may have stumbled upon this blog in the circle tonight, will always be treated with kindness and respect. I'm a political animal and we'll have other days for politics. In the meantime, to all of you, sleep warm. "And so it goes"...Kurt Vonnegut


Well, I've been in Wisconsin visiting my family...mostly my parents who are quite elderly. There's something sweetly frustrating about dealing with parents well into their 80's. I want every moment I can have with them as I am well aware of my good fortune - here I am pushing 60 and still have both of my parents. I am greedy with my moments in Wisconsin, putting time with them above all others - other family members must take a back seat. At the same time, the realities of day to day with the two of them can make you want to pull out your hair. Issues of driving, food habits, clutter...I could go on but it's a list that could be compiled by everyone with elderly parents and the issues would pretty much match up. Deep sighs followed by acceptance is a tough pill to swallow but I have little voice as I don't live there. It's not fair to show up and then start dictating to others as to what to do and how to deal with the many issues of aging parents. So, on we go. I have many observations from my travels and will share lots of stories over the next days. Suffice to say I love my parents beyond words and will get back there to see them just as soon as I can. I am one lucky old broad.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Well, the pundits are talking about how our president seems so tired. Let's see, he inherited the worst recession since the great depression and the only reason it wasn't the greatest depression was because during the Bush administration they bailed out Wall Street. He will get credit for nothing but blame for everything. He has once sane people like Lindsay Graham and John McCain who wanted to work with all of congress for comprehensive immigration reform now taking the hard line conservative view that we should just go around throwing Mexicans or people who look like them in jail.

For all of you who are my age, I want you to remember the night you sat in front of your black and white TV and watched Ike say goodnight to the nation. With the climate in this country today, he would be maligned as a liberal, progressive, socialist. As a student of history I can't say I agree with everything that was done in that administration (the Shah of Iran is one of them) but his attention to and care for the people of this nation was foremost. Now our "alleged" representatives are libertarian based corporatist's and we are going to be left to fend for ourselves which amounts to being "serfs" who serve the rich, or in the alternative, we are left to die with no health care, or if we have a job, there will be no retirement and we will work until the day we die.

That's my fate. I'm not rich. I just worked all my life. No big opportunities, just worked really hard and also volunteered, tried the "American Dream" of my own business twice, and my husband tried that, too...we're almost out of the last of that credit card debt." Talk about death panels.

How about the fact that while you're trying to create your own company you get sick. You immediately have a "pre-existing condition." That means unless you get a soul sucking job that has nothing to do with your talent or your dreams but they offer group insurance, you are screwed and nailed to that job for life.

Your dreams go away. Your heart and your spirit die in tandem. You are on life support because even as you live and breathe and go through one day and then to the next, because you are not even close to the person that God meant you to be you are dying minute by minute, each day. Welcome to my world and welcome to America, because of their corporate health care system.

Okay, Tea Party Patriots. Before you say another word about "OBAMACARE" you have to give up all of it...your world without Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. See, in order to live up to what you think you're supporting in your "KEEP YOUR GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY HEALTHCARE", that's what you MUST do.

Seriously, No more nothing. Everybody fend for themselves. You have to go out now and get a job. No more health insurance. I don't care if you're 72. Get a job, you lazy ass. You have to support yourself. Yup...that's what you're supporting. If you don't like this, talk to Dick Armey. He's the one that duped you into starting this Tea Party Bullcrap.

So, Back to being tired. When our President Obama gets inroads to Healthcare, Wall Street Reform, Jobs Creation he gets numbers and polls and anger. I'm pissed off too. But, realistically...oh come on...nobody thinks the current jobless rate is acceptable but it's on the upturn as opposed to the sucking sound heading to China that existed under Bush. Do you really think that Walmart is on our side??? Don't get me started. I won't let my car be seen in a Walmart parking lot and if any of you want the real scoop go to Do you know how many people have been locked in stores, forced to work overtime for no pay and off the books, threatened with losing their jobs if they didn't comply? Oh, that's right, they don't count, they're illegals. Illegals who keep the price of your freaking laundry detergent low. Get it?????

Oh, other things President Obama happened to execute. The Lilly Ledbetter act (that mandates equal pay for equal work for women,) Don't Ask, Don't tell will soon be gone - yes, they have to go through the Pentagon motions but for all intents and purposes, soon we will have sanity in the Military. Further, President Obama will soon be naming the second of two women to the Supreme Court.

So, my President is still maligned for having a "DO NOTHING" ADMINISTRATION. I'm afraid that if I were Obama I'd be seeking a comfy couch for a serious, long "GIVE ME A BREAK AND SCREW YOU" nap. Of course, he's not going to do that. God, why did he want to be President?

I still have the fire in my belly...still entertain the desire to seek or help others seek .public office Then,each time, I ask myself why I would put myself through all that Hell? This incredible man, whether I agree or disagree with every one of his policies ( me...I'm not a blind cheerleader) still makes me want to rise to the best of my capabilities. He still makes be believe that we can make that illusive "American Dream" available to EVERYONE, not just the top 5% of our population.

So there he is. Damn. I'd be tired too. I still haven't written off the crazy idea of running myself...Because of Obama...Even though I can't run. I'd have to walk slowly as I have extreme chronic Bursitis...or I'd have to buy a Segue. But he makes me want to run anyway. He makes me want to care, to stay involved, to be a part of this great democracy...even though I'm tired. I call that Inspiration. I call that man my President.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I've recently heard from some very courageous friends of mine who continue in a battle with ovarian cancer. There are many things I believe in and one of them is the power of prayer. You don't need to subscribe to any particular religion - your faith can reside in the incredible evidence of God's presence in nature. You can believe that following the perfect precepts of your chosen religion is the path to God. The common thread is prayer. So, in whatever way you pray, surround my friends and all the others who stand at the base of the mountain, wondering if they can manage the climb, with the light and the love of your prayers. We are the ropes, the steady hands, and the push that will accompany them on their climb. The other very important element of our lives here on earth is that God is NOT our errand boy. We have the responsibility to use the avenues provided to us to help make our lives here the best that they can be. Familiarize yourselves with the symptoms of this silent killer. They are subtle. Do not allow a Doctor to dismiss anything you know to be serious. The difference between God and a doctor is that God doesn't think he's a doctor - don't be intimidated, deterred or discouraged from getting a second or even a third opinion. I've found a few websites: and Both sites have real stories and real information. Pray and act, my darlings. We are all connected in the climb.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Looking back with love

I takes me years to catch up with movies. I spent the first day of my 3 day 4th of July weekend completely cleaning my house and then I watched Broke Back Mountain. I have gay friends who were very upset because it didn't have the ending that they wanted. But they fail to see that the setting was in the late 60's to 70's. In that same time frame, the first really serious boyfriend I had worked earnestly to convince one of our dearest friends in our circle that his fascination with a same sex friend was NOT real. My friend, who lives with his gay lover, is still my friend. This movie brought back so many memories and so much empathy for people who closeted their feelings - tiny steps, my friends. Eventually, the idiots who think that love is limited will die off. As even George Will has admitted, "My Granddaughter thinks that being gay is no different than being left handed." This tolerance can't come too soon.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Old Broad Wisdom: TATOOS

Old Broad Wisdom: TATOOS: "I'm sitting here watching Craig Ferguson, whom I adore...but he's talking about tatoos. So I have this thing I want to say about"


I'm sitting here watching Craig Ferguson, whom I adore...but he's talking about tatoos. So I have this thing I want to say about tatoos...they are so much like a really iffy relationship that you then decide you're stuck with until the end of time or a really painful break-up. So Ronnie is your love until the end of time and then the fact that you have to hide your tittie until you can painfully remove Ronnie4EVR with a heart flower just exacerbates the fact that you screwed up. My God, what is up with REALLY painful and permanent ink that you eventually have to remove. Think, Ladies, think. Guys, you're on you're own because you're just going to keep doing it anyway.


Old Broad Wisdom: TOO BAD WE DIDN'T LISTEN: "When Jimmy Carter said 'put on a sweater, turn down the thermostat,' people were ticked off. Oh, my...keep your house at 68 degrees...why s..."

Old Broad Wisdom: Robert Byrd

Old Broad Wisdom: Robert Byrd: "In essence, He was a Klansman who came to understand that we all share the same humanity. There are many in the Congress (Big C Congress) wh..."

Old Broad Wisdom: I CAN'T WATCH THE NEWS

Old Broad Wisdom: I CAN'T WATCH THE NEWS: "The BP oil spill is too painful to watch. Then I see that Ben Nelson, an alleged democrat along with the entirety of the Republicans voted ..."

Thursday, July 1, 2010


The BP oil spill is too painful to watch. Then I see that Ben Nelson, an alleged democrat along with the entirety of the Republicans voted down extending unemployment benefits. What the cuss are the people supposed to do? Do we really want a country that is made up of rich and poor and nobody else???? I know that we have an uneducated populous thanks to Reagan and carried on by the rest of the idiots who made it their mission to destroy public education...but really??? For God's sake, people, pull your heads out of your asses. Do NOT buy into this Tea Party Crap. Give this president a chance to fix things...he is your last and best hope.