Sunday, June 19, 2011


You know what really makes me tired?  Republicans that get to screw their brains out and keep their Senate positions (Like Vitter from Louisiana) and then Anthony Weiner has to resign because he acted like a dumb-ass with twitter and other social media. Never touched anyone, by the way.

Newt Gingrich is running for President again, even though he has screwed over more women than a moneybags businessman in a red light district.

Why is it that when Democrats screw up they may as well lie down and wait for the bus while Republicans do tap dances in Minnesota bathrooms, solicit underage pages, and pay off their victims with money from their freaking parents but we don't hear about that ad nauseum.  But Anthony Weiner, a champion for the disenfranchised and the elderly and those who don't have a voice gets hosed because he exercised crappy self control.

I'm tired of the double standard.  Tom DeLay is indicted and gets to appear on "Dancing with the Stars" and is convicted and still does interviews as though he's a credible pundit on ANYTHING.  Sara Palin quits halfway through her governorship because she's not getting all the attention she wants and she's a media get!  Out of wedlock grandchild, manipulation scandals...all that stuff is forgiven again and agian.

I'm so tired of giving a shit when nobody else does.  I'm so tired and I'm not yet ready to say that the Reagan plan of destroying education and dumbing down this country so that it could be convinced to be ignorant and afraid has come to fruition and it's too late.  I fear this but I'm not yet willing to concede.  But, BOY, am I tired.  Add to that corporate personhood and it's just overwhelming.  I have health issues.  It's tough enough for me to keep up with recycling and now I have all this crap to take on plus it's an election year.  And I've never had a vacation.

Multiply me by all the people who still read, pay attention and care.  Just think how tired we are - while the ignorant just worry about crossing against traffic in the median and getting to Walmart.  Just like the Neo-Cons hoped they would, so long ago.

"Good night and good luck."  Two of my heroes used that sign off.  And then my favorite from Kurt Vonnegut:  "And so it goes."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am one of the most positive people in the world.  Ask anyone who knows me.

I'm just tired.  Tired of bucking everyone else up. Tired of being so exhausted that my couch hates my ass.  Tired of the mean world we live in and the same medium that allows me to have this blog relentlessly pursues every nasty thing they can find about anyone who dares to show their face in this new cyberspace.  And you wonder why the only pictures on my facebook page are one photo of me with my friend's dog and other than that, photos of Miss Piggy and Jabba the Hut.

I'm tired of getting tagged as anti-American because I'm a liberal.  But by God, I am.  Just so ya know, Freaking Abraham Lincoln would have been annihilated in this day and age.  And he was a REPUBLICAN.  For that matter, Dwight D. Eisenhower and, for that matter, even Richard Freaking Nixon could not pass the muster of modern day conservatives.

I have a quote for you and then I'm going to bed because, if you haven't gotten the gist by the header, I'm freaking tired.  So here...I wish I'd have said it:

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith

AMEN.  I'm going to bed because, in case you didn't figure it out, I'm tired.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Well, if anything ever convinced me that I am NOT a hypochondriac and I do NOT like the attention of medical people it was a sleep study I did about a week ago.  Now I won't complain about the people at this place because they are top notch, professional and kind.

However, anyone who can endure more than 15 minutes in a CPAP is a stronger person than I.  If I could be even stronger against torture (water-boarding) that experience did it for me.  I would have been willing to confess to dancing naked last year in Times Square if it meant they wouldn't continue trying to put that thing across my face.  My panic attack and subsequent discussion with the facility made it clear that I would not ever be using that device.

So, I'm on oxygen at night.  We'll see if it helps.  Also lots of other crazy stuff.  Getting old so sucks.

However, I'm here, the flowers are blooming, Jimmy has a great job and the babies are fine.  So I have another day, yard work, dogs, cats and the Colorado Rockies in a day game.  20 minutes at a time.  That has become my life.  And so it goes...