Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am one of the most positive people in the world.  Ask anyone who knows me.

I'm just tired.  Tired of bucking everyone else up. Tired of being so exhausted that my couch hates my ass.  Tired of the mean world we live in and the same medium that allows me to have this blog relentlessly pursues every nasty thing they can find about anyone who dares to show their face in this new cyberspace.  And you wonder why the only pictures on my facebook page are one photo of me with my friend's dog and other than that, photos of Miss Piggy and Jabba the Hut.

I'm tired of getting tagged as anti-American because I'm a liberal.  But by God, I am.  Just so ya know, Freaking Abraham Lincoln would have been annihilated in this day and age.  And he was a REPUBLICAN.  For that matter, Dwight D. Eisenhower and, for that matter, even Richard Freaking Nixon could not pass the muster of modern day conservatives.

I have a quote for you and then I'm going to bed because, if you haven't gotten the gist by the header, I'm freaking tired.  So here...I wish I'd have said it:

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith

AMEN.  I'm going to bed because, in case you didn't figure it out, I'm tired.

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