Monday, June 28, 2010

Robert Byrd

In essence, He was a Klansman who came to understand that we all share the same humanity. There are many in the Congress (Big C Congress) who could learn from him. I am amazed by the blatant racism that has guised itself in rulings and lack of rulings. How interesting that the opposition so often comes from the south. Perhaps, take a moment to reflect on the life of Senator Byrd and open your minds to the good and benefit of the country. To everyone in West Virginia, I send my love and condolences for your loss of a good and faithful warrior.

Monday, June 21, 2010


When Jimmy Carter said "put on a sweater, turn down the thermostat," people were ticked off. Oh, my...keep your house at 68 degrees...why should we sacrifice? When that same President suggested that we consider taking a bus or walking he was scoffed and the country went on with their same consumption. Had we listened back then we could have avoided the BP spill because we would have already been significantly weened off the dependency on fossil fuels...and probably been significantly less obese, since we'd have walked the three blocks to the grocery story rather than driving. Just Saying.