Saturday, December 31, 2011


I've loved the Broncos for so long, I can't remember.  Being an old broad, I remember when teams remained the same.  Bart Starr, Max McGee, Paul Hornung, and Ray Nitschke were the Packers.  Jane screamed into a pillow.  We drove to Milwaukee to watch the game.  I grew up and moved around and lived in many places.  I paid attention to and, of course, became a fan of the Broncos when I finally realized that I really did live in Colorado and not Wisconsin.  HOWEVER...after what that little dipshit Josh McDaniels did to our Broncos and then walked out leaving us with "Jesus Pants" in the first draft...thank CHRIST for the Packers because right now I'm so over all of it.  Except this.  Kyle Orton has been disrespected and totally screwed by every one of his alleged teams.  Team.  That means you work together and you know this guy's talent.  But what do we do.  Cave in to nutwad religious freak fans.

Tebow.  He's allowed to be perpetually in remedial quarterback school.  Oh, goodie, he was asked to throw 9 times and he completed 5 of those passes, some of which looked like they'd been shot from a T-shirt gun.  His nutjob followers want to get Bill Maher removed from the air because he made fun of Timmy.  For Christ's sake...literally...don't you think God and Jesus (Father and Son Team) have more important issues to deal with that are a bit more important than if Timmy actually throws a spiral?  I used to mourn the end of Football season.  Now I can't wait.  Especially if the Packers repeat.  Packer Superbowl, Come on Rockies and Brewers.

My sister, who lives in Appleton, Wisconsin, said she kinda likes Tebow.  I told her that I'd be glad to trade. She wasn't enthusiastic about that prospect.  It's almost Midnight.  I don't want Tebow to be my last thought of the year.  There are myriads of more important subjects.  Good night, 2011 and last year's crap.  Here's to 2012, health, love, a Walker recall, and a better year for us all.  Good night and good luck.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Well, I was right.  All that had to happen was for the Broncos to meet an elite team that watched college football and had a mediocre defense and so much for Tebow magic.  Good Lord...pun intended, Tesus...Kyle Orton, who got traded in lieu of Jesus Pants just helped the pathetic Kansas City Chiefs screw up Green Bay's perfect season.  I've seen Kyle Orton throw a football.  He's a quarterback.  I'm just happy that it came to fruition before we got to much further into the "playoff hunt."

Really...Tebow is allowed to screw up at least three quarters and run around like a crazy person to make up for the fact that he can't throw.  Timmy, Mommy and Daddy can't move you to another district any more so that they'll let you play the position you want to play.  You're a freakin' tight end.  Go get some joy and success and glory and quit trying to be the one thing you are not.  You're not John Elway and you're sure as Hell not Bart Starr.  Does the name Shannon Sharpe come to mind? Game over.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Nobody seems to understand why I'm not mesmerized by fucking Tebow Magic.  We're winning.  That's all that matters.  Really.  The fact that we have the Focus on Other People's Families wingnuts doing ad buys and Timmy Boy doing book promotions on Hannity's show shouldn't piss me off?  Add to that Underpants Jesus' response to Jake Plummer's observation that more people might be inclined to enjoy his accomplishments if he weren't doing ad-nauseum shout outs to Jesus.  Jesus Pants' response was that if you married a woman you wouldn't just tell her you loved once a day but every moment possible and that's his relationship with Jesus.  My response to you, Jesus Pants, is that I respect that but tell it to Jesus and not all of us!!

I'd like to see what would happen if one of the many NFL athletes who are black Muslims would say: "I just want to thank Allah for all His blessings."  The guy would receive death threats!  I would have said for Christ's sake but it's too ridiculous!

I don't freaking care if we're winning. Even if the brainwashed tight end wanna-be quarterback could actually complete even 30% of his passes, the crap he brings with him to this part of the world when we have to deal with Dobson's crew in Colorado Springs is intolerable.  I will never be a Tebow fan until he's one of two things:  1:A tight end or half back and not the face of the Bronco's; 2: Gone.

I don't care if we're winning.  His crew hurts people. They're  dangerous, right wing nut cases and they already have too much power. I shudder to think of the ad buys if the Broncos actually get to the playoffs.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Well...I go to play trivia with Jimmy (my son) every Wednesday.  It's a lot of fun and gets the old broad out of the house.  One of the weekly categories is "the weekly news."  This time the question was "In a nationwide poll, which entity, higher than the President, polled only 52% in popularity?"

Jimmy stabbed at an answer.  Nobody got it.  The answer was "God."  Of course, in my inimitable fashion, I responded "OH MY 48%!!!"

However, that tells you exactly what polls can tell you. NOTHING!!

Any poll that says "The American people care about the deficit" is complete crap.  We did this crap before...during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt.  We listened to the deficit hawks.  Hoover did this before Roosevelt.  Remember Hoovervilles?  If you're too young, read about it.

We need some balls and some deficit spending.  Yup.  Spend, spend, spend.  Get people to work building roads, high speed rails and high speed internet in rural areas of this country.  We need our President and our administration to counter the idiots in the Tea Party and put some real macro economics into place.  Fix the roads and the bridges and the tunnels and the phones...put people to work with good wages.  I'll bet that would poll pretty well.

Every real economist will tell you it's what is needed.  Even the conservatives if they freaking wake up.  Because even when the rich people and the corporations get everything they want, if people who are supposed to buy their shit don't buy their shit, THEY WON'T BUY THEIR SHIT AND THEY WON'T GET RICHER.


Politics of conservatism is a bunch of lies.  Put people to work.  Poll that!!

Friday, July 22, 2011


This will be short and bittersweet.

I was just in Wisconsin for 10 days to spend time with my family.  I would trade everything I have to be with my parents.  They are aging and they need someone who wants to be with them.  It's not possible right now and the rest is just sad.  I miss being there and I don't know how to fix it...YET.

I miss talking nonsense with my Dad and sharing political views with my Mom. I miss petting the head of their old, sweet dog, Honey and feeling her happiness when I touch her.

I miss everything about my sister, Jane.

My brother Andy and his family, Jennifer and Taylor took me in and treated me like royalty.  Oh...and let us not forget the ever fantastic Wally...who I understand still looks for me at the top of the stairs.

I am here and I am there.  I hope that they just know that there is nothing in this world that I cherish above them.  If there is a way, I will get back to them.  My family. My first and forever love.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


You know what really makes me tired?  Republicans that get to screw their brains out and keep their Senate positions (Like Vitter from Louisiana) and then Anthony Weiner has to resign because he acted like a dumb-ass with twitter and other social media. Never touched anyone, by the way.

Newt Gingrich is running for President again, even though he has screwed over more women than a moneybags businessman in a red light district.

Why is it that when Democrats screw up they may as well lie down and wait for the bus while Republicans do tap dances in Minnesota bathrooms, solicit underage pages, and pay off their victims with money from their freaking parents but we don't hear about that ad nauseum.  But Anthony Weiner, a champion for the disenfranchised and the elderly and those who don't have a voice gets hosed because he exercised crappy self control.

I'm tired of the double standard.  Tom DeLay is indicted and gets to appear on "Dancing with the Stars" and is convicted and still does interviews as though he's a credible pundit on ANYTHING.  Sara Palin quits halfway through her governorship because she's not getting all the attention she wants and she's a media get!  Out of wedlock grandchild, manipulation scandals...all that stuff is forgiven again and agian.

I'm so tired of giving a shit when nobody else does.  I'm so tired and I'm not yet ready to say that the Reagan plan of destroying education and dumbing down this country so that it could be convinced to be ignorant and afraid has come to fruition and it's too late.  I fear this but I'm not yet willing to concede.  But, BOY, am I tired.  Add to that corporate personhood and it's just overwhelming.  I have health issues.  It's tough enough for me to keep up with recycling and now I have all this crap to take on plus it's an election year.  And I've never had a vacation.

Multiply me by all the people who still read, pay attention and care.  Just think how tired we are - while the ignorant just worry about crossing against traffic in the median and getting to Walmart.  Just like the Neo-Cons hoped they would, so long ago.

"Good night and good luck."  Two of my heroes used that sign off.  And then my favorite from Kurt Vonnegut:  "And so it goes."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am one of the most positive people in the world.  Ask anyone who knows me.

I'm just tired.  Tired of bucking everyone else up. Tired of being so exhausted that my couch hates my ass.  Tired of the mean world we live in and the same medium that allows me to have this blog relentlessly pursues every nasty thing they can find about anyone who dares to show their face in this new cyberspace.  And you wonder why the only pictures on my facebook page are one photo of me with my friend's dog and other than that, photos of Miss Piggy and Jabba the Hut.

I'm tired of getting tagged as anti-American because I'm a liberal.  But by God, I am.  Just so ya know, Freaking Abraham Lincoln would have been annihilated in this day and age.  And he was a REPUBLICAN.  For that matter, Dwight D. Eisenhower and, for that matter, even Richard Freaking Nixon could not pass the muster of modern day conservatives.

I have a quote for you and then I'm going to bed because, if you haven't gotten the gist by the header, I'm freaking tired.  So here...I wish I'd have said it:

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith

AMEN.  I'm going to bed because, in case you didn't figure it out, I'm tired.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Well, if anything ever convinced me that I am NOT a hypochondriac and I do NOT like the attention of medical people it was a sleep study I did about a week ago.  Now I won't complain about the people at this place because they are top notch, professional and kind.

However, anyone who can endure more than 15 minutes in a CPAP is a stronger person than I.  If I could be even stronger against torture (water-boarding) that experience did it for me.  I would have been willing to confess to dancing naked last year in Times Square if it meant they wouldn't continue trying to put that thing across my face.  My panic attack and subsequent discussion with the facility made it clear that I would not ever be using that device.

So, I'm on oxygen at night.  We'll see if it helps.  Also lots of other crazy stuff.  Getting old so sucks.

However, I'm here, the flowers are blooming, Jimmy has a great job and the babies are fine.  So I have another day, yard work, dogs, cats and the Colorado Rockies in a day game.  20 minutes at a time.  That has become my life.  And so it goes...

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am a great aunt.  That goes without saying, but I am also truly a great aunt.  My nephew, Ben, was proudly witness to his beautiful wife, Kathy, doing all the work in bringing Kimberly into the world.  That's the only way I can put this because, I'm sorry, guys walk around all proud while the women just begin their journey.  I love them all and I am proud and happy.  I haven't missed the honor that I believe Ben bestowed upon Grampa (my Dad) in his daughter's name.  If I'm reading too much into it, I'm still happy for everyone. I have a great love for the name Kimberly for many reasons.  Perhaps the stuff of future blogs.

I wish that beautiful new life the hope of a beautiful new world. I will leave it at that for now.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I have long known that my son was exceptional.  How I had to fight for that is another story for another time.

He has lived through Hell for the past several years and now is shining through at a career that not only honors his talent but his joy.

When he was a kid, I took him to as many big amusement parks and rode the bestest and newest roller coasters with him.  We had such a time.

Now he's promoting an amusement park in downtown Denver that has existed for over 100 years.  121 to be exact.

He's working with and within a quality organization and he is doing what he knows best...taking initiative and driving it home.

I'm as proud as I can be and I remember well being his age and living your joy.

I can survive anything when I know my son is happy.  He has earned his stripes and gets to ride a roller coaster any time he wants.  As the younger people say..."Sweet."

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I'm tired.  Some friends and I were laughing about that absolute genius scene in "Blazing Saddles"...that's how I've approached life.  Find a way to make it funny.

I'm truly tired.  I've never gone on a trip that hasn't involved work.  I've had one "vacation" where I stayed home for 2 weeks during the Christmas holidays back in the late 80's when I worked for the county court.  I spent the time working on music for my other job and cleaning.  That was my big vacation of a lifetime.

I will demand vacation time this year but I don't know what I'm going to do with it.  I wish I had a lot of followers because then I'd do some sort of contest with great ideas.

I hate Vegas, I don't gamble, I am too fat to appear in public in a swimming suit so anything on a beach is out of the question and then, my husband is on location somewhere between Louisiana and Texas.  I'm too embarrassed about how fat I am to go to a spa because I know fucking well that those people talk amongst themselves after and I can only imagine how they laugh at how disgusting some of the clients are and I would definitely be one of the points of ridicule.

I would like to go somewhere and disappear.  Fade into the life of the people in some distant place and not worry about anything else.  But how in the world could I do that?  Who will take care of things?  I'm the go to person for everything.

I'm tired.  Since so very few people read this, I can safely say that if you happen upon this post, chalk it up to the fact that I have nowhere else to go with my bitching.  Nowhere to rant so I send it out to the universe.  If any of you have a great idea, all you out there in the netherlands, send it to me.   In the meantime, I'm painting the front door tomorrow for Mother's Day.  My gift to me.  Somebody's got to do it, it looks like crap.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Sunday night, "The Celebrity Apprentice" was interrupted by the news that our incredible Special Ops Navy Seals had eliminated Osama Bin Laden.  I sent messages to both my son and my sister, Jane, who were otherwise occupied and both were astonished.

I have had so many vacillating celebrate the death of another seems somehow so macabre.  However, the peace in knowing that this person whose demented bastardization of the Muslim faith can no longer spread his hate is tangible.

So I honor the incredible military who executed this necessary mission.  I honor our brave President who chose to attempt something that, if it failed, could end his chances of a second term and forever mar his record.

Today was poignant and clarifying for me.  President Obama's visit with the 9-11 families and the stories that I heard from them throughout the day gave such merit to the mission.  The death of Bin Laden opened up a wound a very important way.  It was the first step to true healing.  It was as if a poisonous hornet had been allowed to fly free and sting people again and again and again and nobody would do anything about it.  Finally, a President and an incredibly brave force took a giant fly swatter and killed it.  The evil insect was dead and could never again sting or wound or kill another soul.

I don't celebrate his death but I celebrate his demise.  I am so very happy that he is gone.  By the way, the President who got him was an allegedly "soft on defense" Democrat.  "W" said "I don't know where he is...frankly, I don't think about him..."
Well, Obama was still thinking about him.  He got him.

And now, being my Father's daughter, I was watching my Colorado Rockies play tonight and Todd Helton, who has spent his entire career as a Rocky, surpassed Lou Gehrig's record for all time doubles.  I cried again.

Both sets of tears were real and valid.  Tonight, as I lay down my head I'm proud... Proud of my Country, Proud of my President, Proud of my kids out there fighting to protect us, and proud of my baseball team.  It doesn't get much better than that!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I found out recently that my pal, McCurry had suffered a fall.  His steadfast and loving partner, Margie, sent out an after email.  I sent a reply to her to also share with him...yes, himself the partner in crime for so many years back when I could hop a hedge or hide behind a truck to watch the results of a practical joke.  What a time.  Since McCurry remarked (upon his release from the Hospital on Easter, about noon-time) "I rose a little later than Christ," I thought I should share with all of you my feelings about my now octogenarian friend and his always beautiful and loving partner.  So...a dissertation on friendship and spring to my beloved friends:

So you are home and so you will heal.  Healing, I might add, in the appropriate season for such things...a plant that I believe is gone and one day I sigh and walk out with a trowel only to find that it has suddenly shown green shoots. 
A rose that withered in the late autumn begs one tiny red sprig that says "cull me back and I'll rise agin' fer ye."  I decided to "Irish" that line especially for the two of two perennials of my life. You live in me and dwell in my heart every day. 
My love for you is not the tiny sprig but the deep root that reaches through the dry soil to a well far beneath.  New plants can't find it.  Only we old established thorny buggers can survive rain, sleet, drought, ice and wind.  We have weathered the storms of sparse and abandonment, hunger, fear and emptiness.  We have also reveled in the warmth of sun, the healing rain, abundance and joy. 
We need no churches for they are the houses of the pretty annuals.  Not undeserving of our love, I give them home and house every year and they bless and adorn my life for a while.  They are flirtatious and more than pretty...they capture jealous eyes with their glorious but temporary beauty. 
But then we come to you.  The perennials...crocus that rise through the snow.  Daffodils that bust out when they should be shivering and Viola (Johnny Jump Ups) that just pepper the place with their tenacity and determination to bring one more bloom, one more burst of color into my life.  Not to mention big fat tulips that holler to the bees to get over here and take care of my apple trees while you're at it.  That is you.  You, you, you, my perennial forever friends. 
In this glorious season of life, take slow and tender breaths, let your nose lead the way so that the scent of spring will lead you into one more summer of joy.  I love you beyond any words that I could write.  You have given me more than you will ever know.  I love you.

May we all have friends to love as I love mine.  A day late but not a bit short:  Joyous and Happy Easter, Glorious spring to us all.

Friday, April 15, 2011


My father was not just a father.  He was a Dad.  He put everything aside and paid it off as he went.  I understand his thinking.  In this economy, as a woman pushing 60, I have still had to borrow money from him too many times.  However, as he has reminded me, I am one of only two of his kids who takes the word borrow literally and I have always paid him back every penny with interest.  Since he won't accrue it, I have had many joyous opportunities to translate that interest into interesting gifts along the way.

My son is about to embark upon a career.  He has, at long last, landed a wonderful position as the PR and Marketing Manager for Elitch Gardens. It is a glorious place, an amusement park among the few left in a downtown setting.  He has a lot on his plate but I'm certain that if he gets stressed he can leave his office, go on the Batman ride and go back to work.  Dad waited a long time to get his little boat and I am so happy that I had a chance to fish with him many times even plugging the leaks and laughing as we shared a sandwich and landed a trout.  He named that boat "Finally."  I name this week and this well deserved landing for my son the same.


Dad, that little motor took us a long way.  Jimmy is just getting started.

Monday, April 4, 2011


My best friend, Thom, called me this morning to let me know that someone we loved had died. She had been sick for a while but had recently been released from the hospital. Some mutual friends found her at her home.

The world has lost a force and a spirit unlike any I have ever known. She wore her hair in a wild undo that looked like something was nesting in there. She was quick with a smile, a rowdy laugh, a retort, and a martini. She was a waitress at our favorite restaurant and one of the biggest reasons we loved going there.

Maxine had enough life in her for a dozen people. The concept that she is gone is such a difficult notion to grasp because it seems incomprehensible that so much life could have left this earth without some great disturbance in the force. The idea that we would go there and not see her is just wrong.

Once again, I am reminded of how quickly things change, how fragile and fleeting our time imperative it is to tell one another that we love them, miss them, that we care.

They will be having a celebration of her life at the restaurant. I will be there with friends and the many people who loved her. I believe there will be a full house as anyone who met her would never, ever forget the experience...and their lives will be forever touched in a wacky and outrageously wonderful way.

Goodbye, wonderful Maxine. Oh, how you will be missed. but wherever you are, I know the laughter and the joy can't be far behind.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I rehearsed a song that I used to do as a matter of course in my sets and then had to rest for a ridiculous amount of time.  This National Jewish better live up to its name because this breathing thing has me at the ends of my patience.  I want to take a deep breath!

It has, of course, given me new empathy for people with breathing disorders...takes one to know one...I have odd moments when I can take a full breath, which I used to take as a matter of life.  Again and again, I am reminded that every single moment and everything that happens in the course of a day is a miracle.  I just have to figure out a way to avoid wasting this miracle.

I just watched an old Nora Ephron movie that I forgot about..."My Blue Heaven" with Steve Martin and Rick Moranis...I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!  Vinnie is Rocket and it's just full of love and fun and I forgot about worrying for a moment.

I have a voice that keeps telling me that no matter how much I do, it's not enough.  I actually know that this is true because I really believe that I'm supposed to do something with a kid's choir and I haven't figured out how to do it.  I wish I had followers because they could possibly help me.

I think I should be clocking out at 5 and at a community center by 6 or 6:30 with a bunch of kids who I teach to sing and create and then we go and do concerts.  Like what was done for me when I was in high school.  That group of singers saved me.

I'm sick and I'm tired and I know part of it is true disease but I think that part of it is not having a reason to live.  A reason to pull every ounce of passion I have out of my old, tired, sick, fat body into showing up just once more.

I need someone to help me do this. If ever the times called for it, it is now.  Perhaps it is my time.  Followers or not, I have to figure out a way to do this. I still have the heart of a true believer.  Maybe it's just time I show it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am really tired.  I've found out there's a reason for that...I have a condition that causes me to lose oxygen every time I walk around.  Now if I'm sitting still, or even swimming or using my "bean" which I rock to exercise my stomach muscles, I feel okay.  But if I get up my garden, or vacuum, or even do the dishes, I'm out of breath.

I'm going to the best place for breathing issues in the country.  I won't elaborate on that any more.  I'm just pissed about it.

I quit smoking in 1987.  I worked out.  I did everything right.  I'm so tired of being sick, overweight (which now may have an explanation...lack of oxygen which leads to lack of ability to do anything strenuous) and tired.

This is nothing but a rant.  I don't want to be sick.  I don't like the couch.  It's getting permanent indentations from my big ass.  I want to do stuff.  Like even walk the dogs, for Christ's sake!

I should be going to bed and I'm all worked up because all this has come down in the past couple days.  I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I'm too fucking young to be this old.

Over and out...the old broad.  I don't have one single sunshiney wisdom to share today.  I'm a wet hen...and that's pretty damned mad.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I have been thinking about all the friends and family I have lost in the last few months.  It's strange how one can miss people who have been absent from your life.  I think it's because you grew accustomed to the fact that they were there...whether you attended your rose or not.

I'm referencing, of course, "The Little Prince."  How he put his rose in a glass globe and attended all of its needs, regardless the reward.  The reward was in the tending.

Conversely, there are those who really don't want to think of these things...I have been told by a family member that she distinctly does not want my "preaching" as regards bringing peace into our lives and forgiving.  I have to accept that as well.

Everyone has their own process of grieving and dealing with what life brings to us.  I have to accept the fact that I am not in charge of how others grieve...or how they deal with loss.  While I cry and try to lift up good memories, some people have to work through years of anger before they can even get to a good memory.

And so it goes.  I've lost a brother and a lot of friends in the past few months.  Today, mid-afternoon, Jimmy came over very cheerful and upbeat and I told him that I didn't know why but I just had this feeling of pervading sadness.  I think it all caught up to me.

I will do my minute for the world tomorrow.  No matter what the loss I feel tonight, friends whom I have loved and lost, it can't compare with the hurt around the world.  I won't minimize my feeling but to spend a few moments in silent reflection for those whose loss I can't even comprehend will, I believe, help to bring about a healing.

In the meantime, to the world who will never read this I still know you are out there and I send my love.  I am but a moment's sunlight fading on the grass.  In that context, let my sunlight send love to the universe.  I am not perfect...but I keep trying.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I suffer from eternal survivor guilt.  That is when a nice thing happens in your life, you immediately feel guilty because so many people are suffering.  And because I now get to sing a few nights every month, that has brought tremendous joy into my life.

When I see the suffering that is happening all over the world...particularly Japan but also the unemployment here, the nut-job Wisconsin Governor with his minions in the house and kids dying all over Indonesia and Africa just because they don't have enough mosquito nets to prevent Malaria...don't get me started on animal abuse...

You see what I'm saying.  It's overwhelming.  So I have come up with a plan.  It's a combination of a serenity prayer and a call to action.  I invite any and all of you to forward this to your friends. Perhaps we can calm ourselves and still make a difference.

I'm calling my plan "ONE MINUTE FOR EVERYONE."

Here's how it works.  Once you get up in the morning and get all your morning "stuff" done...whatever that entails...shower, shampoo, shave, breakfast, kids to school...this does not include the self indulgent stuff like the morning workout, power walking...those can wait for one minute...I think you know what I mean.

After you take care of  your immediate morning essentials, sit down and if you are really pressed for time, go ahead and set your egg timer or whatever for 60 seconds.

Take one minute to reflect upon what's happening in the world that we share with so many.  Embrace them in your mind.  Ask God or Jesus or whatever higher power you may believe in to surround them in light.  If you have means and something- Japan, kids, animals, starving children, Alzheimers...Good Lord, the list could go on forever...comes to your mind, find a way to give even $5.  Trust me, every penny helps.

If you can't give anything, just give them your one minute.  Just think if the whole world concentrated one minute on the welfare of others.  There is power in our thoughts and there is power in prayer...there is power in setting aside a time when nothing else matters.

What I am saying is that 60 seconds out of your life can make a difference.  Believe it or not, it will also make a difference in you.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Tomorrow is my brother Jim's birthday.  It's the first one in a long time when I believe he will be happy.  He's not alone any more.  He doesn't have to try to figure out how to finagle his way through the next day...time doesn't matter now.  He is loved, he is safe and he is home.  Happy Birthday, J.P.  I celebrate your new life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I usually don't write about kids dying.  It's one of those unbearably sad things and seems to serve no purpose except to evoke tears.

This is different because of the little girl. Delaney lives in rural Colorado...they didn't divulge her age, just saying that they "celebrated" an early birthday because she has a rare brain cancer that only affects about 200 people in the entire country in a year.  No cure, no hope of a miracle.

I guess that's what drew me to this story and to watch it rather than to choose to turn off the TV...I wanted to see what this tiny little soul who looks to me to be about 5 years old, had to say.

Delaney loves animals, loves to paint, and loves the sky.  She will be gone within the next few weeks.  Her parents have accepted the inevitable and they were all so beautifully non-dramatic...which made their palpable sadness even more poignant.

Delaney's Mom said that Delaney keeps saying "Mom, I'm so lucky...I'm going to die."  Her Mom asked her "Who told you that?"  Delaney answered:  "God."

I have long believed that if you want to know what and who God really is, talk to really little kids, because they are so close to having been with God.  I believe that Delaney still remembers what it felt like to be there.

Then the newscaster asked Delaney if she had a message for people who were not dying.  Delaney said:
"You should all hug each other...and you should have color in your lives."

Delaney, I agree.  I will be thinking of you as you journey back to your status as an angel.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I shall not, I shall not be moved
I shall not, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's standing by the water
I shall not be moved.

I sent this email to Ed Schultz tonight. I don't know if it will matter but what we all stand for matters and there are thousands of us across this great nation. We are not bankers, we are not millionaires, we are not hedge fund owners, we are not a part of the problem. We are the hard working solution that will inevitably save this country. Our dark nights are not over but we are a part of a cause that will be seen as a movement that captured our country back from the corporatists and elite wealthy who believe that they have won in the purchase of our republic.

We matter as teachers, we matter as workers, and we matter as those who strive every day to make a better life for those who cross our path.

Here's my letter to Ed:

Dear Ed: I've been fortunate to see you twice in Colorado. I'm a born and raised a Wisconsin Badger and I'd like to give you this information...

I'll tell you about teachers and union leaders in Wisconsin. My brother, Andy Nirschl, was the last union member at "Mid Tech" Papermill in Kimberly, Wisconsin, when the hedge fund that owned that Mill put them out of work. They wouldn't run it, they wouldn't sell it...they just waited to collect the money from its failure while a whole community was put out of work. He led every grassroots campaign there was to be held to "RUN IT OR SELL IT."

He is the son of a teacher. he is now the LETC Case Manager Fox Cities Workforce Development ( 920-968-6043)

My father taught at Kimberly High School for 36 years. In that time, he developed a program that included every sport, right down to Badminton and Bowling, in order to make kids active. We used to sit in the family room and help him re-string badminton rackets and tennis rackets after dinner...after our homework. After he had coached and mentored three generations of kids who wouldn't have graduated without the opportunity to play for him.

He's in the Wisconsin Baseball Hall of Fame but that's not what he talks about at 87 years old. He talks about the kids, when he's in the bank, or at a cafe, who are in their 60's, who thank him not only for what he did for them, but for what he did for their kid.  Somewhere toward the end of his career, the Teacher's Union actually made it possible for him to have a decent retirement. (Preisely the fund that is now in jeopardy.)
I don't think my father should apologize for working every summer in addition to what amounted to a minimum of a 70 hour week,(and being a great Dad, he always made it a game to see who could weave a tennis or badminton racket the fastest) while also being a Dad who painfully sat through my music recitals that included his favorite violin player who never seemed to improve.

What I take from this is that Governor Walker resents that my Dad doesn't have to work at McDonald's at the age of 87 to supplement his living.
My Dad is so angry about all of this that I don't know if you'd be prepared to deal with his "going on 88" ticked off interview. If you want to talk to someone who knows the scoop,my brother, Andy Nirschl, can be reached at 920-766-4241.

If you think you'd like to brave what will be an entertaining, sarcastic and brilliant interview, My Dad who is known state-wide and even beyond the state by folks like Paul Molitor and Tony Kubek, go for it: My Dad's phone number is 920-788-2030.
If you'd like any more information on these and more great Wisconsin tell it like it is interviews, (My sister is a former cop and my brother-in-law is still a cop) I'm at 720-859-7822 (Landline) or 970-394-4059 (Cell)


“The essential humanity of men can be protected and preserved only where government must answer — not just to the wealthy, not just to those of a particular religion, or a particular race, but to all its people.” Robert F. Kennedy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This is as frivolous as it gets...but I saw a DSW commercial with these amazing shoes.  It reminded me of when I wore 6" stilettos and could run across a gravel parking lot as long as I held up my skirt.  It was so much fun.  I loved every minute of it and I envy every woman I see in sexy shoes or leather boots.

I can't do that any more.  My hips hurt all the time and I'm limited to my Z-Coil athletic shoes or other orthopedic footwear.  I dress up and every time I wish I could rock some heels.  I miss them.

In the scope of life, not wearing high heels any more is not a big deal.  I'm aware of the world situation and it's close to home.  I'm not complaining...though my jealousy of those who can and do is overt.

What I'm remembering right now is that I got to do it.  I had a trademark.  I used to do a 4 - 5 hour set, both standing in front of and sitting behind a piano but the whole night was spent in a variety of those yummy shoes.  At the end of the night I was ready for a drink and my feet were ready for a break.  I'd close the piano, unhook the straps or slip them off...depending upon the footwear...and head for the bar.

I'd sit down, set those spikey darlin's on the bar beside me and order a scotch.

One night I was working in a joint where the bartender and I had a great was one of those nights where it was a great ride and when I was done, I did my usual.  "Sho" was there as I pulled up a barstool and I set the stilettos down and said "Glenlivet on the rocks."

He stood there for a moment, turned around and poured my drink, set it in front of me and then said "That was so fuckin' sexy that I have to leave for a few moments."  He proceeded to walk into the back room.

He came out a few minutes later, still bright red (cause we were friends, not lovers) and we both laughed our asses off.  I said "Thank you, Sho, I never knew you noticed."

Funny how a commercial about shoes can bring up the memory of a time when you owned the world.  And at that time, I never knew it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I can't describe the pride I feel in my Midwestern roots and the brave, steadfast stand for basic middle class rights displayed by people all across my home state of Wisconsin.

As I watch this become a national story, I watch other states become emboldened.  I remember this feeling.  It was the 60's and there were issues of civil rights and an unjust war and discrimination. seems that these are the same issues today...the right to organize, a war in Afghanistan that is draining our economy and discrimination that translates into the right wing war on the middle class and Unions.

Stand strong, Wisconsin.  You are leading the rest of the country into what will become its salvation.  On, Wisconsin, On, Wisconsin...grand old Badger're proving your Badger status right now as you fight on. All I have left to say is "You Rah Rah...WISCONSIN!"


I have to tell you a story about an experience I had in the Milwaukee airport.  I was heading back to Denver from visiting my family.  As most of you know, I have terrible bursitis and when I travel I have to take my laptop plus a purse and a cane.  Add that to a heavy winter coat and getting around becomes quite difficult.

I slowly made my way to the restroom and as I was heading toward the handicapped stall a tall, young, fashionably dressed woman with perfect hair, stiletto boots and an impeccable, perfectly sized pull suitcase pushed past me right into that stall. I stood there in astonishment for a moment and then maneuvered myself into a regular stall, hanging my things all over the top and the hooks and managed to "do my business."

I finished up and upon exiting the stall I was greeted with the vision of  "Miss Fashion" at the sink washing her hands. Her turquoise skirt was nicely tucked in the back of her pantyhose waitband so that her butt was displayed for the world to see. Garnering every ounce of strength I had in order to avoid laughing, I washed my hands at the sink beside her, ignoring both her and her derriere. I dried my hands and smiled as she strutted out of the restroom, displaying her ass to the entire airport.

I've never seen Karma in such swift action. I do so hope that she made it all the way to her gate before being notified her of her unique fashion statement.  Have a nice flight, Lady.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Classic Dad

I was sitting and telling stories with my 87 year old dad this evening and he was telling me the stories and progression that eventually led to him meeting my Mom at La Crosse University. I said "Just think, if all this had not happened we wouldn't be sitting here having a drink together tonight. To this he replied: "And you would not have such a spectacular father which should be mentioned often... by me and about me.". Needless to say, we laughed like fools...just one of the reasons I love going home.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I am a happy old broad tonight. The Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl and had to go the same route that the Broncos had to take to beat the Packers way back in 1998.  I grew up in Wisconsin but have spent most of my adult life in Colorado and that year I wanted one for John.  We got it. I can't deny it.  I love Football and Baseball.  I couldn't be my Father's daughter without it.  I also know the obscenity as far as revenues for the owners and the players.

Trust me, the owners make the players look like paupers in the media deals.  This was a great Superbowl - two dynasties.  I promise, the owners and the media would have been weeping in their silk hankies if it had been the likes of the Seahawks and the Texans.  Football fans would have been saying "HELLZYAH" because it wouldn't have been more of the same, but advertisers and marketers would have been wetting their huggies trying to figure out how to get people to watch.  The majority of TV sports watchers are big market players and they want the big boys in the show.  This show was true, Midwestern, Smash-mouth FOOTBALL.

I listened to everything Lawrence O'Donnell had to say today about what professional athletes make and the obscenity of it all in comparison with the state of the rest of the country, much less the world.  He is right.  And I totally agree with him as regards cities and states being held hostage to owners who demand that tax payers purchase their multi-million and now billion dollar stadiums.

I understand everything he ranted about tonight....especially Jerry Jones' stadium where some ticket holders got left in a media center or the parking lot because after all that money and all the time he had to prepare, just because he wanted to break a record, he couldn't make certain that all the seats would pass a simple, fucking safety code.  He remains in my sewer of NFL owners.  I'll list them sometime in another post when I do some top ten or whatever that nobody reads anyway.

Jerry the way, a lot of people think he paid for the stadium himself and they're wrong...the tax payers helped him fund this "Dallas Palace" just like all the other stadiums. I like how most everyone connected with professional sports is a republican but then they really like that old socialism when it comes to their stadiums, since it's the population which includes upper, middle upper, upper middle, middle, lower middle, upper lower, lower, low, and indigent classes who help build those stadiums.

 In the case of Jerry Jones' palace, I guess he figures that he can employ a lot of janitors at minimum wage.  Tell that to the janitor's kid who looks up to Neon Deion. to the man.

I didn't think I had this much to say about the down side.  However, that's what makes the rest of what I need to say so important.

I'm not ignorant nor am I blind.  However, I've been doing a lot of watching and listening these past weeks.  I will grant you that there are a lot of players who do nothing but care for and take care of themselves.  However, a lot of these fine young men are NOT juiced and they take care of not only their communities but communities abroad.  I have become aware of so many foundations that are not "in name only"...these athletes and their desperately needed aid show up in destitute countries and regions and they make a difference.  There are a lot of good and fine young men on those fields who have been waiting and hoping and are now executing on the opportunity to pay it forward.

I won't choose.  If all of our life is spent just working to elect, effect, and immerse ourselves in politics, why did we elect representatives?  Shouldn't we get a little time off?  I was sick on Saturday and missed a reorganization meeting for my county.  I feel terrible but life did go on.  I hope they elected my choices and if they didn't I guess I should have shown up regardless my health.  I wish we had as many fans at caucus and county meetings as we have at sporting events but that's silly...why show up for work when you can show up for play and then bitch about the few who show up for work?

So to the joyous part.  I talked to my octogenarian parents before and after the Superbowl.  They were beside themselves as life long Packer fans and life long Wisconsinites.  My brother, Andy, had the party at his house and cooked a ham and all kinds of goodies so all that they had to do is show up.  I'm still envious...I am going home for a visit this week...had I known when I bought these tickets on sale last October that the Packers would go to the Superbowl, I'd have purchased accordingly.

This morning my parents were ecstatic and were going out to breakfast and then to the YMCA...together.

Then Dad tried to tell me but couldn't because he broke down. Mom came on the phone and told me that when the Packers won, Andy reached over and hugged my Dad and started to cry.  He said that the last time he'd seen a Packer Superbowl he was 6 years old and he wanted, more than anything, to watch this one with Dad.  I know how he feels and it meant the world to my parents.

I understand every word out of Lawrence O'Donnell's mouth.  I also understand all those nine to five and swing shift and three job and unemployed people in a little town where they have one little thing that matters.  The owners, the money, the obscenity of the difference between the have's and the have not's is irrelevant on game day.  It's time to watch the Packers.


It matters.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I was a little kid and we were all at Gramma's house watching the Championship game which was eventually named a "Superbowl" game...the infamous "ICE BOWL."

When Bart Starr crossed the goal line, we all screamed and yelled so loudly that the neighbors came over to see if something had happened and the were right...PACKER VICTORY.  All of our family was there...back in the days before cable or satellite or any other way...we had to go to Milwaukee to watch the game.

I remember Sundays...Jane had her "scream pillow" because she went nuts and so Mom and Dad got a little pillow especially for her during Packer games.

I remember when Matt did the Bernie Cannie Ford (I don't know if I spelled it right and I don't give a shit) imitation with the Bart Starr helmet that was too small.

I remember being in places where I couldn't see Packer games and I spent a lot of Sundays hurting my liver in Sports Bars so I could remain a Packer fan.  Ron rode the ride with me and we're ready for Sunday.

Tomorrow is a Costco run with Jimmy and friends are coming over and we are cheering and yelling and celebrating the Title Town Packers once again.

Some things remain constant.  I was born and raised in Wisconsin.  GO PACKERS!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


It was a "quiet night" as evenings go at the Aqua.  But it was wonderful because I got to do some awesome requests...songs that I wouldn't have thought to play.  Thom and Kev brought out a table of friends and we had so much fun - I love this place...I'm their "Mom" and they call me "Sweetheart" and "Boo" and "Darlin'" and it's been so long since I've been loved like the people here love me.  I'm sitting here watching old Superbowl NFL film and writing this happy little blog because I can't sleep but this time it's not because I'm worried or sad or anxious...just happy.  Sore everywhere...from my fingers to my shoulder to my back and right down to my toes...and I don't will fix this.  What hurt more was the ache in my heart until I started singing at this wonderful place.  I get to be me...Patti Lee...again.  Life is good.  I sang "Imagine" for the people in Egypt.  I hope they heard me.  Anything is possible...I believe again.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There is a house in Whitefish Bay that keeps calling me.  A house where I am supposed to live.  I am writing to the universe here, because I know this blog is just for me, the insomniac old broad.  A few stiff drinks and a XANAX and I'm still awake at 2 am.  Wishing I had my Gramma's dining room table back in the room where it belonged.  Setting up my music room in that great old basement.  Living in a place where I could see my parents and family as often as I wanted.  After all my travels, that tiny trip from Whitefish Bay is NOTHING.  They would all get sick of me.

I have a little pipe dream of a house where I want to live.  Perhaps God has a moment to listen.


I don't have words to express my gratitude to Keith Olbermann for what he created...a voice for those of us who believe that everyone should have a voice.  He was righteously difficult, fiercely steadfast, willful, complicated and unrelenting...because he believed in everything he said and did.  I'll not be an apologist for the stories I've read about the Olbermann disposition.  It dissuades me not from my admiration, awe and complete "fandome" for what he has been, what he has said, and what he has done.  He is among my heroes and I await the time when I will fist in the air celebrate the moment he reappears in the media.  Take a break, my friend who knows me not.  You deserve a rest after the losses of the past year.  Then, come back with humor and vengeance and all the force that is you.  I envy and admire and wait again for your astounding talent to challenge everyone, including your bosses, once again.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Several years ago my son introduced me to MSNBC.  I was dealing with health and life issues and spent my days ranting and believing that there was nowhere to go for some truth and reality.  Of course, my internal truth magnet took me right to Countdown.

I don't know what I'm going to do.  I know Keith has more options than a cheerleader at a playoff game but I don't.  I can't afford HBO or SHOWTIME.  As it is, I pay way too much for TV but Keith needs to be where Bill Maher currently resides...a home where he can be Keith without Comcast coming in and tempering the truth.

I love Rachel and Lawrence and Ed and Dylan...Morning Joe is challenging and at times I want to reach into the TV and choke Joe but I have to say that in the world of civil discourse, he gets an A.  That's coming from a 60's liberal.

But Keith?  My voice? The one I turned to for relentless validation of my fury at what and who these wingnuts are and the danger they pose to our republic?  (Just in case any of you wonder about my use of that word, we are not a democracy, we are a republic.  A democracy would engage a simple majority vote and a lot more would get done.  Don't get me started...)

I have cried, I've had a few drinks, I've read some blogs, I've played "Angry Birds"...I can't sleep because Monday I won't have Countdown.  I don't even know how to write Keith to tell him what he has done for me and for my elderly mother who adores him.  What will SHE do without him.

I have signed the petition to block the Comcast/NBC takeover.  Even if we are successful, I doubt that Keith would just give them back what they so easily gave away...the flagship of a network.

Perhaps I'll try to write between 6 and 7 pm each day.  That would be a worthy tribute to Keith.  I don't know, I'm lazy and fickle, just like most Americans.  One thing, however, is for certain.  I will sadly and truly miss him.

Monday, January 17, 2011


For years people have told me that I should write a book.  I agree.  I've attempted to put together fiction based on life, fiction based upon ideas, and enough autobiographies to paper my bathroom.  So now I've decided that this blog will be stories.

I'll still do random rantings about things that are happening, but I have so many stories to tell.  Who knows...maybe if I just collect enough of them I can make that a book.  Or two or maybe even three.

So here's the first one.

My buddy, Bill (Now Liam) McCurry is turning 86 tomorrow.  We were fast friends when I played at the Wine Cellar in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  It was a great place...lots of star quality entertainment passed in and out of those door through the years of its tenure as a great entertainment venue in Albuquerque.

I auditioned several times and finally got a go...I was immediately befriended by a former weather man who was fired when they asked him how cold it was going to get and he responded by warning the public to "haul in their brass monkeys."  We fell into buddyship from the get-go.

I have so many McCurry stories...we had a band of reprobates...Bill and Kurt and McCurry and Me...we did Sunday biscuits and Gravy, beer at the pick-up bar (Bill's truck) and so many songs...I can't remember if we loved Molly Malone or Waltzing Matilda or King Corracticus the most.  So I'll tell you one, just off the holidays.  A Christmas McCurry story.

It was two days before Christmas and the last night I was playing at the Cellar before the Christmas holidays. This was the late 70's.

McCurry came in and was in an Irish funk.  "I just don't feel the holidays."  I had set up my friend Eve to sneak presents in under our little Charlie Brown Tree and was anticipating my Jimmy awakening to a Christmas joy that I'd planned for a year.  The only way to give him Christmas was to do what I do to this day. The minute you see something that you know is a good present you buy it, wrap it and put it away.  That way all the money stress isn't at the holidays.

Anyhow, McCurry was Irishing and I was my usual no boyfriend who cares I'm going home to the love of my life who was my son, so I listened as he pined for the days when Christmas meant something.  Needless to say, the bartenders gave us all the leeway they could afford till they told us lights out and "Merry Christmas."

McCurry had a pickup truck at the time and there was a 6-pack of I don't remember now beer.  So we got in the truck and cracked the beers.  I hoisted my feet, weary of the 6" heels, onto the dashboard and I said "let's sing."  We knocked the aluminum cans together and I started...not with a jazz or pop song, but a carol.

"Silent Night...Holy Night..." McCurry sang with me.  We finished the song as well as our beer.  The drinking then became less important than what we'd started.  "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful."  "Joy to the World."  "Away in a Manger."

I think we may have cracked one more beer in the time we spent in that pickup truck, my feet saying "thank you" and our hearts singing songs.  I would like to say that a beautiful dusting of snow began late into our private concert...and it would be trite...but it really did happen.

As that little dust began, McCurry said "You need to get home."  I replied that I couldn't wait to see the Santa scene.  We air sipped the last of that can of beer and McCurry turned to me and said "Now it's Christmas."

Happy 86, McCurry.  Never a Christmas passes that I don't remember that Pick-em-up Parking lot Carole song Christmas.  You are forever a part of my heart and soul and I loved you then as I love you now. Happy, Happy Birthday.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


It's 3 am and I'm sipping on a cocktail as I sit here with Tillie Marie beside ever present guardian and companion.

I was at the Aqua Lounge until 2 am talking about plans and ideas and rejoicing in my unexpected and treasured gift.  I'm playing and singing audiences who love me.  I thought it was gone for good.  That roller coaster of riding a room and making love to an audience.  But a miracle happened and once again, I believe that prayers are answered.  My lonely life has been transformed and I can now work a 9-5 knowing that there is something magical waiting in the wings.

I feel as if I'm accepting a Golden Globe.  Here are the people I want to thank:

The men who were assholes because they helped me write songs that cause them ridicule and my audiences laughter.

People who wrote me off because I'm no longer young and sexy - this crowd loves me regardless.

My political friends who gave me rides and kept me in the game so that we are building a really awesome house district.

My hands that hurt but never let me down and will build up their chops again to really rock those 88's.

Thom and Kevin who gave me this place as an unintentional gift - I owe them forever for the lovely cocktail after the show that led me to this glorious new life.

Sister Alvara...the lovely, funny nun who said, after every strict and perfect piano lesson, "now play me something you heard on the radio."  She gave me a voice.

My son who cajoles and helps and encourages and scolds me.  He rises above his pain to care for his mother again and again.  I hope that I can continue to be worthy of his concern and care.

I'm reclaiming my life and I couldn't have done it alone.  I hope Jen is reading this because I want to thank her for insisting that I write something.  She's hoping to get up in the morning and read a missive from her old sister-in-law.  Sometimes, I hook up and write just because I know she's waiting for me.  I want her to know how much it means to have a someone who cares about what I write.

This may just be my year.  Whoever it belongs to, I'm claiming my portion.  And, with a little help from my friends, my talent will now lead me through, once again.  To my joy.  My joy joy joy joy down in my stay.

God only knows when I'll get to sleep.  No matter...the music afterglow is beyond description and I'm surrounded in its light.  And, I must say, I really, really deserve it.  Over and out for now.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Okay, Jimmy told me that the national championship would be awesome.  It was.  Anyone who loves football got their fill with this game.

My only beef is the Auburn player (see, I don't give a shit, I just like football and I don't watch college ball because my ass would be as wide as the couch so I have chosen not to be invested in it..,so I don't know his name) probably the quarterback, who said "it's a God thing and expounded about how the win was about God."


Do you really think that with New Orleans still broken, Haiti still in ruins, genocide in so many parts of Africa, our soldiers still shedding their precious blood in Afghanistan and Iraq, a congresswoman gunned down in Tucson, just to name a few pressing issues, that God gives a happy rat's ass about a fucking football game???  Go start a happy camp for delusional athletes and take Tebow  with you.  We don't need Jesus as a quarterback, we need some fucking defensive liners.

It was a great game.  God and Jesus had nothing to do with it. And I really like the fact that anyone who reads this vulgar tirade will be greeted with a Charlie Brown photo.  NICE.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Every muscle in my body aches and I have never been so happy.  I am singing and playing at the Aqua Lounge in Denver.  Not having hit the stage in almost 6 years, we had a night and a half and no pain in my shoulder or hands or back could compare with the joy in my heart.  I got to say hello to Patti Lee once again.

Many more missives to come.  The cherry on the sundae was this Sunday when the Packers won.  I got the ice cream when the Jets sat Peyton Manning down.  Yup, the musician jock.  Only happy tonight.  There will be plenty of days for other concerns.

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot to say about Tucson but that is for more serious deliberations.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


We spent the day with football and the evening with Thom and Kevin. I think I have a grasp on what I need to do this year to take care of myself.  The follow through is always a bitch.

I need to tell you that we have a soul ready to become twice the angel she was on this side.  My friend Paula, a hilarious, brilliant and gifted entertainer is in Hospice. I don't know that she is even aware of the Christmas gift I sent her...I was so fortunate to be with her on the American Queen as she fooled white people into snapping on 2 & 4 rather than 1 & 3.  Nobody reads this so I don't have to explain it, just celebrate her genius as she did this to the song "Moon dance."  I will remember her every time I hear that song.  She was the very first person I met when I came to the Delta Queen Steamboat Company.  I met her coming on as she was leaving on a turnover day.  I can feel her warmth and kindness today just as it was then.

Hold Paula in your highest thoughts as we enter this new year as she is flying away and needs our airlift.  Paula...what a wonderful night for a Moon dance.  I love you.